Supplier Database

Our supplier database streamlines the communication process with your suppliers, ensuring up-to-date pricing and availability, improving your operational efficiency and reducing administrative overhead.

Supplier Database

Add your suppliers

Streamline your workflow by effortlessly incorporating your suppliers into our comprehensive database. Whether you're a large travel agency, a small tour operator or DMC, our platform caters to your needs. With the Suitcase plan or above, our onboarding process takes convenience a step further – we offer the option to import your suppliers, saving you valuable time and ensuring a quick and efficient setup.

Add products and prices

Add your supplier's products and associated metadata. Our user-friendly interface allows you to seamlessly add and manage supplier products, providing you with the flexibility to adapt pricing strategies according to seasons or purchase types. Supplier tax and markup are also editable to fine-tune your supplier database.

Coming Soon

Link to your itineraries and request availability

Seamlessly add your suppliers' products to your trip itineraries. Once you’ve added them, simply click to request availability, and your supplier will receive an email asking them to confirm the availability for the number of travellers and chosen dates.