Add your costs, tax rates and desired margin, and let TripMapper calculate the total client price. A tight integration with our supplier portal ensures accurate pricing at all times.
TripMapper makes it really simple to manage your costs at a granular level. Add room rates, ticket costs or any other supplier costs, select your markup and let TripMapper calculate the client price for you.
Finance Reporting
Our simplified reporting tools allow you to see your finances across a number of simple data points, including open proposals, financial year revenue, and upcoming and late payments.
Total Override
TripMapper for Business allows for flexibility. If you want to give your clients a fixed price rather than itemising the trip price, no problem! Simply add a total client price to the trip and share alongside the proposal.
Set Price Expiry
Airlines, hotels, and other travel providers often use dynamic pricing, adjusting rates based on seasonal demand and availability. Fluctuations in supply and demand for flights, accommodations, and other services can impact your client's price. Set a price expiry date before sending your proposal to ensure you can offer your client the price you’re quoting.